Navigating Pregnancy Loss & Miscarriage: A Roundtable Discussion

Our 2022 expert panelists discuss how parents can navigate pregnancy after loss, what resources are available, that often difficult decision to not have more children and being content with the family that one has, and dealing with the changes that the body goes through after loss, how to approach fitness after miscarriage or loss, and a parent’s understandable array of mixed emotions and anxiety of losing a child.

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Beyond the Screen Time Battle

It’s a new world. Kids growing up now have a completely different world versus generations of the past. We have new technology and the brain is being exposed to stimuli we’ve never experienced before. As a heart-based attachment parenting coach, one of Paula Kettula’s major concerns is the erosion of the parent-child relationship and social skills due to screen time’s impact. Paula provides insight on how to move beyond screen time battles.

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Helping Children Deal With Grief

We cannot protect our children from ever feeling the pain of loss but we can help them manage the pain and express their emotions. Nicole Wallace discusses how to identify the signs of grief at different age ranges, engaging your child in healthy forms of grief expression, ways to encourage conversations about grief with children.

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Stress, Hormones & Immunity

Our healthcare system is broken. We are doing the same things and expecting different results. Our focus has been on diagnosing and treating the problem, not discovering the root cause.

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Talking to Children about Race – Resource

Dr. Ronda Taylor Bullock will help attendees understand that children begin making meaning of race at very early age. She will share why educators, parents, & guardians should be focused on having race-based conversations with kids and demonstrate how her organization navigates these tough conversations using literacy-based strategies.

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Talking to Children about Race

Dr. Ronda Taylor Bullock will help attendees understand that children begin making meaning of race at very early age. She will share why educators, parents, & guardians should be focused on having race-based conversations with kids and demonstrate how her organization navigates these tough conversations using literacy-based strategies.

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Demystifying Perimenopause

Perimenopause and Menopause are not the same. Dr. Watson explains the difference between the two terms, the changes occurring in the body during Perimenopause, and the different approaches used by professionals to ease symptoms.

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