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Mama Needs A Moment is your place to hang with your mom friends, learn from top-notch experts, swap stories, and know that you’re surrounded by moms that get it.
Episode after episode you will discover answers to your burning questions, receive expert guidance, find camaraderie, and feel grounded. Real moms are invited onto the show to ask leading experts the questions most of us are thinking, but never voice. Every episode ends with three take-aways.
Several of our experts from our Provider Directory have come together in our fourth Roundtable discussion of 2024. This is Part 2 of our discussion on mothers’ main worries and strategies to address them. In this episode, the experts discuss the importance of balancing extracurricular activities. They discuss managing children’s anxiety in extracurricular activities and the need for healthy, non-toxic extracurricular environments. The experts talk about a mother’s concern over the health and well-being of their children when it comes to particular milestones and how it can become an overwhelming worry.
Make sure you listen to Part 1 where we discuss the difference between typical worries and more serious mental health concerns like anxiety disorders and OCD. We also discuss maintaining physical stamina over time when parents need a lot of physical energy to handle the daily tasks of raising children, such as requiring constant energy, resilience, and flexibility.
This HER Health Collective Roundtable features the following HER Provider Directory Experts:
Erin Jones, LCMHC
Chasta Hamilton, Coach/Entrepreneur/Author
Dr. Brook Orvis, PT
Dr. Priscilla Hidalgo, MD
Dr. Mbong Henry, PT
Kristin Baker, PCC
Dr. Katherine Hutchinson, PhD
To connect with any of our experts, please go to our website directory.
Today’s episode includes a discussion of the following topics:
Expert Introductions
Discussion on Extracurricular Activities and Toxic Achievement Culture
Managing Children’s Worries and Rumination
Balancing Health and Well-being Concerns
Balancing Work and Family Life
Closing Remarks and Acknowledgments
Episode Resources:
Erin Jones, LCMHC – Bull City Anxiety and OCD Treatment Center
Chasta Hamilton, Coach/Entrepreneur/Author – Stage Door Dance Productions and Girls Geared for Greatness
Dr. Brook Orvis, PT – Flora Physical Therapy
Dr. Priscilla Hidalgo, MD – Lux Psychiatry
Dr. Mbong Henry, PT – Radiance Physical Therapy
Kristin Baker, PCC – KB Coaching and Lumo
Dr. Katherine Hutchinson, PhD – Peak City Psychology
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