Have you ever found yourself stumbling through the dark like a sleep-deprived zombie, courtesy of your little one’s early morning wake-up call? For many parents, early morning wakings are an all-too-familiar struggle that can leave you feeling exhausted and frustrated. Let’s dig into the reasons behind these pre-dawn wake-up calls and explore some solutions to make those mornings a bit less “Ugh!” and more, “Okay, I got this!”
Let’s call a spade a spade – early morning wakings with babies and toddlers are a cruel joke. It’s like our children received a secret memo that says, “Rise and shine at the crack of dawn, even if your parents are running on fumes.” Understanding the reasons behind early morning wakings is the first step in finding solutions.
I painfully remember the days when my son seemed to have an internal alarm clock set for an ungodly hour. No matter how late I adjusted his bedtime or how soothing his bedtime routine was, those dreaded early morning wake-ups persisted. Every morning, I felt desperate, clinging to my last shred of sanity and wondering, “Is it too early for coffee or too late for a bedtime snack?” Yeah, it was a struggle.
Along with my “Mom” status, I have spent two decades running a home daycare, and now, as a Pediatric Sleep Consultant, I’ve earned some serious street cred in the world of infant and toddler sleep. So, let’s dive in and unravel the reasons behind those dreaded wake-up calls and explore real solutions.
Understanding the reasons behind early morning wakings is the first step in finding solutions.
- Leigh-ann Vlaar
When it comes to why your little one is waking up early, there are five factors you want to consider.
For infants younger than 7-9 months, waking up around 4-5 AM can be due to hungry tummies. This early feeding tends to linger even after other nighttime feedings are dropped. If hunger is actually the cause, then feeding your baby and putting them back to sleep should work perfectly well. Hear me out, though: If your baby relies on feeding to fall asleep at the onset of bedtime, hunger may not be the culprit, and a different approach may be needed.
Overtired or Under-Tired
Figuring out how much sleep your little one needs is a delicate balance. If your child goes to bed too late and is overtired, it can lead to early morning wake-ups. On the flip side, excessive daytime sleep, or having too early of a bedtime, might also be a culprit. This shouldn’t be so complicated, right?
Inability to Self-Soothe
I’ve already touched on this a little, but it’s worth mentioning again. If your infant or toddler needs cuddling, rocking, or a bottle to doze off, it will be tough for them to return to sleep on their own when waking up early. I promise, self-soothing skills can make all the difference in dealing with early morning wake-ups.
Room Environment
Your baby’s sleep environment matters. Imagine it as the backdrop for their night – not too bright, not too noisy, and just the right temperature. If anything’s off, it could lead to an unplanned early wake-up.
Sleep Regressions
Those tricky sleep regressions can disrupt even the best-laid plans! The good news is that regressions signal that your little one is mastering new skills. The downside? They’re practicing these skills in bed when they should be asleep, and sheer excitement is prompting an earlier wake-up call.
Conquer Hunger
Banish “hangry,” and be sure your kiddo is getting adequate nutrients all day long. I know…the volume they consume is genuinely surprising, isn’t it? But it’s more than just how much your toddler is eating – you want to consider what they’re eating. Pro tip: A protein-filled, sleep-inducing snack before bedtime can be a lifesaver, especially for toddlers. Think cheese sticks or nuts. For infants, full feeds every three-ish hours is where it’s at.
Play the Schedule Game
Tweak bedtime and naptime to age-appropriate wake windows and schedules. Sometimes, even a small adjustment in timing can be a game-changer. Seriously, make sure your little one is not running on empty or snoozin’ the day away; being over or under-tired at bedtime creates the potential for that dreaded early morning wake-up call.
Lucky for you, I’ve created two easy-to-reference charts listing age-appropriate sleep needs and how long your little one may be awake before needing to sleep. Keep in mind that these are averages, and each baby is unique. Use it as a guide and adjust as needed!
Empower Your Little One
Give your child the space to learn to initiate sleep independently, without being held, rocked, or fed, and without the need to search for whatever initially helped them fall asleep. Once they have this skill, you can trust that they’ll handle those early waking hours, soothing themselves back to sleep. Even the gentlest of sleep training methods can help instill more independent sleep.
Craft a Wind-Down Ritual
After dinner, let your toddler unleash all their pent-up energy and let your infant practice all the newfound skills they’re mastering. Then, about an hour before bed, begin to wind down the madness. Ditch the screens, dim the lights, draw the blinds; all of these will call in our partner in crime, “melatonin.” Hushed voices and calm activities are allies, too, to let the kiddos know it’s almost time for sleep.
Curate the Bedtime Routine
Now that it’s bedtime, offer a warm bath, tuck your angel in a sleep sack, read a special story, and have a cozy cuddle. These moments serve as signals to our little ones that sleep is on the horizon. Simultaneously, they nurture essential connections, filling their love cups so they feel safe, secure, and as snug as a bug.
Make the Bedroom a Haven
You’ve probably heard this advice before, but it bears repeating. Keep the room comfy at a cool 68-72 degrees, add continuous white noise playing all night long (keep it to about 50-60 decibels), and throw up some blackout curtains, making the room very dark. So dark that you can’t see your hands in front of your face when the lights are off. This will let your kiddo know that at 5 AM, the world is still asleep, and it’s not party time just yet.
Embrace the Patience Game
Navigating this phase can seem like you’re stuck in a slow-mo movie. Just like teaching a new skill, working through it requires time. Resist the urge to rush changes; let the new routines and skills settle, and watch as the changes gradually unfold.
To all my fellow sleep-deprived parents, surviving those early mornings is no joke. My story was your story – and I know how frustrating and helpless it can feel when you’re in the trenches. But here’s the thing: you’re not alone, and you’ve got this. With a bit of patience, a little understanding, and some of these strategies, you can turn those groggy mornings into a time when you can actually open your eyes without swearing…I mean, wincing. If the sleep challenges persist, don’t hesitate to message me on Instagram or my website. I offer a free 15-minute call where we can commiserate, discuss how we can work together, and the best part? Once we begin working together, all my guidance will be personalized to your child and your unique situation, and I will be there to support you each step of the way, so that together, we can conquer your sleep struggles.
Here’s to turning those, “Oh no, not again!” moments into, “We got through it!” victories.
Cheers to later mornings!
Leigh-ann Vlaar
Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant and owner of Sleep Connections
Leigh-ann Vlaar is Owner of Sleep Connections and a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant dedicated to transforming exhausted nights into peaceful sleep for children and their parents. Her journey was born from personal challenges and over 20 years of experience working with infants and toddlers. Leigh-ann intimately understands the complexities of addressing a child’s sleep issues, offering a wealth of knowledge to meet parents’ unique needs for better sleep.
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